Saturday, September 13, 2008

Imagine if......................................................

We had acknowledged Vincent
He may have had the love he dreamed of
He may have had more friends
He may have lived longer
And we would have had
Treasures from Him
Instead he was reliant
On the kindness of his family
Lucky though he was
In that regard
What for had we given
This Artist
Scant Regard
We could have had so many More
Sunflower paintings in our midst
We love our Artist's
When they are dead
And treat them
With near inhumanity
While they are alive
The Artist
Is an afterthought of Greed
And this should change
In a Humane Society


Sandra T said...

You're back online!I've missed reading your blog! Just remember there's a lot of GOOD and LOVE and WONDER in the world and the other stuff you talk about below is but a small part of humanity..truly...we just have to train our eye to look for the things we want to see and hope (or as you wish pray) for them to supercede the other. .... hope that makes sense! ;)

New Zealand Iris said...

I love you Sandra

Thank you and I know that the World is beautiful. I just wish that for a few small years we could all fight in the same direction and tidy up our Planet instead of this Super Bullshit Power Struggle that we presently have on Earth.