Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Still thinking of Rachel. My beautiful young niece.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I drew a Butterfly For You

For my darling Niece Rachel

May christmas be a time
Of Great Happiness
And may a Prince
Come your way one day.
A real Gentleman
No less
I apologise
I drew a Butterfly for you

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I have had the most Blessed Weekend..........

I went to visit my friend Maggie
Who is Beautiful
And her lovely Daugther
Who is my God Daughter
And I witnessed
Terry take his Ordination Vows
And I renewed my Baptism Vows
And to Top it off
The Bishop
Thanked me for my Singing
I'm so happy
Then I went
To the Opening
Of the Waihi Museum Exhibition
And was entertained by the Three Graces
And others

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Against The 90 Day Bill

If we don't want
The Mentally Ill
To Work
Then this is the Bill of choice
Because it will only increase their anxieties
To be under the Microscope
For ninety Days
Is Similar to Interrogation
That is my personal Opinion

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I was happy until I wrote a note to my brother

On a Christmas Card
I was trying to say
That if I was Wealthy
I would look out for my Siblings
Like my friend Donna
Does for her Sister
But it did not make me happy
But it makes me very Sad
Because we have a family
Who's values are based on the Capitalist Model
That shuns and disdains the weak, the disabled
and those that may have been considered meek in a gentler era.
I am sorry that Labour
Sold National down the river to pick up a huge debt once again
But I'm sure that with fresh thinking
You will find a way
I still think the Tax cuts prejudice the poorer person
but Labour was no different in that regard
And I admire your Compassion and Concession
Towards Low income earners
In regard to Kiwi Saver
It is a good start!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I got told off by my Doctor.
In such a kind way
That I am not offended.
But at least I have found
The Secret
Of being at Peace

Paddling up the River on the Onemuri

My Friends and I went on a voyage on the Onemuri . It was such a fun day that I would recommend it. The boat was painted in Grey and Green and Red and White. She a Solid Old Paddle Boat that can go like a Rocket in Optimum Conditions. Good to see people restoring things that were built in a time when Obsolescence was not planned. I loved the two flags.

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's Midnight

My Carriage

Has not become a Pumpkin

And I am home again


I had a Wonderful Evening

At the Burrowing Bully

And I took a Tequilla Sunrise Rose

And I gave it to a Lady

I thought worked there.

Never mind

I can take another!

I thoroughly enjoyed myself

And Johnnie Mulvay has a fine Commission

On Display

At the Music Shop

in Waihi

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I was given the last bunch of Sweet Peas

By my Elvin Friend Graham.
They were all colours
And the Fragrance

Once upon a time there was a pretty rose that bloomed in my Garden called Fresia.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I believe there is a Code

In America called Star 69
It would be Quite useful in New Zealand!
Apparently it tells the caller the County or Area where the person who last called came from.
Merry Christmas

Xmas Jandal

Christmas Jandal xx..

My Mum told me

To put my jandals on

And hurry

So I told her I

Would put on my Jandals

And run all the way

And I'm sure my mother

Was probably


Considering some of my Past Antics

I took my Christmas Angels

For a Road Trip

To see Mum


The Little one stayed home

And then I went

To a Church Dinner

And I could imagine the Angels of God

Among the Choir of Singers

And Debbie

Played the Violin

And Blessed me

With her Performance

With a Clever Pianist

Who taught herself

The food was Delicious

The Company


And Kind

And I even had Opportunity

To do some Christmas Shopping

And buy some Blessing Beads

I gave my Angel

And received a Parcel

For my Tree

Thank you to the Lovely Ladies

Who organised it

And to the men

Making light work

Of the Chores
The 1/4 Moon
And Two Stars
Were visible
Through my Window

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Love of the Goddess

My loving Partner
Told me
That I Can't
Take the Painting
The Love of the Goddess
To the Church
But that is my Point
I shall not take it to the Church
As he has requested
But last Night
I jumped out
My Bathroom
And danced
In my White
Around the Roses
For Freedom
And For Hope
For a World
Free of the Tyrannies
Of the Old Ways
For the Hope
Of Paradise
On Earth! Again
Unfortunately Excluding
All those Species
That have been lost to Our Own Greed!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Come Christmas

I've discovered
That by Far
The most mentally retarding Drug
Is the Olanzepine
Which makes me Happy
Because I've cracked it
All on my own
And once again
I shall have to Liaise
But I am over joyed that I am feeling Better
But that makes
Me put forward
A Request
Can you Boys and Girls Please
All go home for Christmas
i.e. In other words
Can all you Bastards
Please go home for Christmas
And Stop Fighting
And start fighting
Again in the New Year
If the Urge takes you then if you are so Desperate!
So that Children
Aren't born to Violence
For one Short Month
So that the Menatlly Ill
Can Live Without Fear
For One Month
A Year
It would be a Start
For those Terrified
But the Lunacy of Our Respective Societies
It would Positively
Reflect in my Mental State
I Predict
That I would need
Less Medication
Christmas Wish!


Christmas Star

Comment on Mumbai

Can we Please Stop Crucifying One Another?

White Rose

God Bless All and especially those that have been caught up in the Mumbai Tradgedy.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gods Wedding Ring

God's Wedding Ring

With Daisies Popping Up

Sunday is Family time for God and Goddess..........

And Hopefully

For as many of their Children

As Possible
I have painted
A Yellow Ribbon
As a Suggestion for Bi Polar Day
And an orange one perhaps for Schizophrenia Day
And maybe a Red Ribbon
For Red Cross
For the Protection
Of Our Children
And a Green one for Ireland and for Peace Everywhere - Prayer
The Heart is Pure Gold Leaf
The White one is for Domestic Violence
The Pink one is for Breast Cancer
And All Cancers
The 69 is the Symbol of Cancer
I have gingerly applied a pressed pansy
To represent and Symbolise
The Significance
And Depth
of the Mystery
and Beauty of Flowers
And perhaps a Blue Ribbon
For the Love of Animals
I should like to give
Barack Obama
The Five Leafed Clover
I have hand made for the
The Painting has a Rainbow
And a Suggestion
Of Our Native New Zealand Bush
And Tinsel for Jesus
And a White
Australian Bird
Salvaged from
One of my T-Shirts
Can anyone tell me the name of this bird please?

Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm behind the Eight Ball

I forgot I had made a Heart and Cross
At Pottery
When I plant it seems like a Minor Miracle
Has happened because
I cannot remember planting them.
The Elves have run away with my
And I lost my beautiful
$ 4 Blouse
From the Op Shop
I do not think it is a good Idea
To substitute Pot for Cigarettes!

Merry Christmas

To All

Thursday, November 27, 2008

On Wednesday I was an Op Shop Model.............

And the Star of the Show was Walt.
Who carved his own set of False Teeth
Especially for the Day
And put them in a glass
And then he used an Old Ash Tray
To make a Candle Holder
And went around as Wee Willie Winkie
They were all Stars
But Dolly
and Di Anne were really Funny.
A Splendid Morning Tea was served
And as Models we were given Snowmen
I wore Brown Culottes?? (How do you Spell that) with Embroidered Roses
And a Yellow Blouse
And Coloured Scarf
And smelt the Roses
As part of my Cat Walk
There was only one condition.
That the Models Smiled

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tonight I celebrate 500 Posts

I saw a programme on beautiful African Women. We Europeans are so inhibited in comparison.

I had such a lovely day playing Golf on Tuesday......

Beneath Te Aroha, the Mountain of Love
It didn't rain while we were playing
And I had the privilege of meeting up with
Cherry again
And I also met Carol
It was like Christmas
For Everyone
The food was a veritable Banquet
Thank you Te Aroha
I played terrible Golf
And was advised
To learn
How to use my Irons
But it was such a pleasant day
Who would notice

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Tree

Sweet Peas

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Job Application to Mr Prime Minister or Mr President

Application for Work
As a Jester
To remind
Of what
And Should
Be Achieved
Verses "Realism"
The Aim
On Earth

I promise at least a Drawing a day
For no more than $100 per day
That's U.S. or Kiwi
So that I can amply
Feed and Clothe
My Family

File Under: Joke of the Century

Screen Saver Idea

Harp of Peace upon a Doves Wing

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Jester has a baby Jack in the Box

For Christmas
He waved goodbye to Hamish
Setting his sights on Australia
To make money
God Bless Australia
And New Zealand both
My Baby has not only fled
The Nest
But he has left
For another Country
Good luck John Key!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

H.M.S Happy Cat

Today I was nearly embarrassed my good fortune at Golf. I won two raffles and had the sixth best Stable ford in spite of playing not so good! I came home laden with goodies. They even had a Lady Santa Claus serving Strawberries and Marshmallows. Later they served Christmas Cake. It is such fun to play nine holes of Golf with these lovely Ladies.

Monday, November 17, 2008



Wouldn't it be Wonderful if we forgot about Adversarial
aspects of Politics, etc, etc and all worked for the Common Good.

Head Ache Free Politics
It seems John Key has the Common Good in mind
and I like the fact that he didn't Stoop to Gutter Politics.

Playtime in November

Dots and Squares.

Kaleidoscopic Colours

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'd like to suggest a new Degree .........................

A Degree in Flower Power.
One would Study Flowers.
And the Beauty
And Mystery of Them.

Can anyone tell my the real name of this Iris.........

Which I have called "Sunrise"
Violetta is Reborn in Bronze

Another Picture for Movember Month

I've had a Wonderful Day in Paradise..................

And John Key seems in agreement to Protect the Poor workers

So All in All


I live in Hope!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Today I worked on "The Love of the Goddess"
I dragged the Cob Webs from my Bonsai
and re spun them to make silken thread to apply
To the Long White Clouds of Aotearoa.
They are fluffy - if a little bedraggled
I may have to put
More White Paint on it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kaleidoscopic Rose

Kaleidoscopic Rose

Guy Fawkes Jester

Guy Fawkes Jester

I Just Saw Fireworks!

Universal Well Wishes

I had fun as a White Witch Today..................

I broke a milk thistle and drew a white heart on the palm of my hand.
I do not know any spells except a nice Mulled Red Wine.
I had such fun with John and Sandra.
John and I worked on
"The Love of the Goddess" Painting.
We put Gold Leaf In the Heart of the Madonna.
I got my allocation of Pineapple Lumps
on the way home and thanked God for them.
My wand is a Rainbow Coloured Pencil
That I thought I might never show my son.

Thanks for all the help Johnny Boy

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sun Kissed Girls

This is not a Good Photo. I will work on that but this work of Di Tockers was made with Calypso Gold.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Two Sisters in Mourning

God Bless Sandra Goudie and All the other Politicians. May they Usher in a New Age of Politics

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hypno Kiss

Our Father Which Art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will be done
On Earth
As in Heaven
Give us our daily Bread
And forgive those
That tresspass
Against us
And Lead Us
Not into Temptation
but Deliverance from Evil
For thine is the Kingdom
The Power
And the Glory
Now and Forever

Just a good old daily Prayer

Hypno Kiss

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shall I tell you about a Rising Star

Her name is Lisa
And she is a brilliant Artist.
And she is pumping out Good Work!
Here are a couple of examples of her Work.
They are so cheap and yet so Artful.
So Modest is her Expectation
Yet so beautiful her Work.
To watch her work is like watching an Artisan.
Yet Art is her second LOVE.
Singing is her FIRST LOVE
So watch this Space

Barack has been Elected

Your Grandmother would be very proud of you.
I'm sure they are Celebrating in Heaven!
And I Celebrated by drinking Ginger Beer
And becoming a Fellow
Scientist of Bubbles
And a marvellous
Speech by Senator McCain
Good luck
Good Will
God Bless!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tear Drop of the Goddess

Tear Drop of the Goddess

Universal Clover

Four Leaf Clover.....

I'm all in a dither

I forgot to go to my volunteer job
And I lost my handbag!
God help me
for when I work alone Today

When Dan rolled into Town

He brought Peace
To the Entire WORLD
For surely THAT
is the Ultimate Goal
Of all Noble men and women
All Warriors
All Diplomats
All People
All children
May New Zealand
Remain a
A Peaceful Country

Four Leafed Clover

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nightie night Twinkle Winkles

This Angel

That I drew yesturday is for the lovely Linda
And I didn't know that I was going to be escorted
by an Angel dressed as a Rose.
The Sun Shone and I was so happy and that I went out and made Peace with Nature by taking a photo in the Evening Light of a Ring of Pompoms. The Pompoms are Cream come White! While Roses are A Symphony of Delight and I wish I had remembered more by name but I do remember Goldilocks.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

For Halloween

I made some Hokey Pokey. It had not finished cooling when four or five young Maori Boys asked me to trick or Treat them. I don't know if they ate the Toffee but it gave me immense pleasure to give them Sweets on Halloween. I almost wanted to run after them and wish them all the best that life has to offer and much happiness and Mirth. If I'd had another daughter I may have called her Mirth.

Let me tell you the lovely Jo

She has beautiful Brown Eyes
She is a Ray of Sunshine in my life!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I went to see Bob the Builder

Bob the Builder

In Hospital

He's the funniest person

In the Room

Right now

Inspite of......................

Good luck

+ God Bless

Nightie Night Twinkle Winkle is what the Bees would say!

When they tuck up for the night.
When the Stars are shining Bright

And I asked My friends Sandra and Dick

At the last minute
When I had built up Steam
And alas
They could not make it!
Sandra is a Star
Upon a Peaceful Brook
In the Universe

Sun Kisses

Tuesday, October 28, 2008