Saturday, June 14, 2008

I like the idea

Of a collage with miniature cup cakes as flowers. That would be beautiful. Of course an eight year old could do better but aren't you inspired enough that I hold fast to innocence. And when I am lost show me the way with a better World.

That's a lovely word that - miniature. I would guess that it is of French origin. But I may be wrong. Please can I ask the correct answer?


Sandra T said...
Main Entry: min·i·a·ture
Italian miniatura art of illuminating a manuscript, from Medieval Latin, from Latin miniatus, past participle of miniare to color with minium, from minium red lead
Date: circa 1586

A painting of cupcakes on stalks in a vase on the way? Actually, it makes me think of Fimo, that coloured modelling material - making little cupcake brooches. I haven't made them in ages, (the real cupcakes that is). It's a thought.

New Zealand Iris said...

so the Language is Medieval Latin. isn't that fascinating and especially as that is the Language that Lawyers use. It is nice to be informed. Thanks for the intelligence. You run deeper than a brook my friend.

New Zealand Iris said...

Should have been a Capital on the So.