Saturday, June 14, 2008

In true form to an Ancient Greek Culture

In true form to an Ancient Greek Culture I laid a cup cake at the Cenotaph before going to Church. Some children and their dad were walking up to the Cenotaph and I wondered what they'd think of such a crazy action. They didn't eat it and I wouldn't have minded if they did but one is likely to be a little suspicious and curious about such an action.

I rang my mum and told her that I had been to Church and taken Cup Cakes and served and washed the dishes before going back to the Cenotaph and feeding the birds. I told her that the dead War Heroes would have known that I was thinking of them. She thought it touching and didn't tell me off.

1 comment:

New Zealand Iris said...

Oops! To Sir Winston Churchill..... We cracked it Buddy!