Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Smoking - Not our Future

As a closet smoker, and as one who is very ashamed of the fact that I am quietly killing myself with cigarettes I make the plea that we simply do not sell cigarettes and make them illegal within this country. If they weren't there to buy next to the milk and lollies in the Dairies then I would not buy them. I have battled with the addiction most of my adult life and see this as the simplest way to eradicate the harm that the habit causes. I suppose I should try to give up and be pure but I can't see why we sell them at all. I see that cigarettes take the firmest grip on the most vulnerable and most stressed in our community that can ill afford the expense so why make them available in the first place? Is it the revenue that makes continued selling attractive? If it is then that is so hypocritical.

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